Click here for the Daily Orange's inclusive journalism fellowship applications for this year


Duck: Satoshi Sugiyama

Casey Russell | Head Illustrator

Asst. News Copy Editor | Spring 2016; Asst. News Editor | Fall 2016-Spring 2017; Copy Chief | Fall 2017

When I first landed in Syracuse on Aug. 6, 2014, at about 11:30 p.m. by myself, I’d never thought I’d find a place like my home 6,640 miles away. I wish I could go back and tell myself I’d find my home here — called The Daily Orange. 744 Ostrom Ave. has taught me everything about journalism. This place is where I met talented mentors and besties.

Before I get washed up, I want to share a few words:

Blum: Miss your goofiness. Gchat me once in a while.

Mara & Justin: Thank you for having faith in me and making the call to hire me as a copy editor despite my English being shaky at the time. The D.O. has given me so many opportunities to learn and grow, and none of them were possible without you.

Torrens: You were more than just a news editor — a mentor who taught me how great Panera is and made chicken tenders and milkshakes at the Junction for me. Your shrewd editing and ability to energize the staff are great assets wherever you go.

Burke: Your tenacity to dig deep into difficult subjects and hold people accountable have inspired me. You shouldered a lot of burdens as news editor, making sure your assistants wouldn’t burn out. You’re one of my role models and invaluable friends.

Sara: If I had to name one person who taught me about news writing, it’d be you. From the time I was an Ask the Experts beat writer up until now, I’ve learned a lot from you. You’ve made me a better reporter, and for that I’m eternally grateful.

Fortier: I’m in awe of your drive to tell stories. The five-hour edit we did together for the Remembrance story showed me who you are as an editor — how much you care and invest in stories that aren’t yours. You’re my inspiration.

Sandler: It breaks my heart that you’ll be graduating this year. I appreciate you for being kind and listening to my occasional venting. You were often a B-read editor who edited my terrible stories. Thanks for making them publishable and not getting mad at me.

Delaney: Staying until 4:30 a.m. at Bird writing our Interstate 81 stories and ordering Calios are my favorite memories of us. Even though the WiFi was unreliable and big news stories broke one after the other, I didn’t mind the workload because I got to work with you. Let’s go to Flip Night and drink our problems away.

Ogozalek: It was an honor being an assistant with you. Your talent and passion are extraordinary, and they’ll get you far in your life. Thrilled that you’ll be a news editor, and you’re always welcome to crash my apartment. Please eat and sleep well.

Jordan: I wish I had, when I was an assistant, the same level of dedication you carry. Keep pursuing the hard stories and don’t let the powerful off the hook. Looking forward to more #Newsmen nights, too.

Kennedy: You’ve become a stronger writer this semester. Keep up the great work.

Díaz: Your hard work has made the paper stronger and better for readers. Thanks for what you do.

Graham: From our encounter at a Detroit airport, we’ve come a long way. So thrilled that you’ll be sports editor. Go get them, chief.

Charlie: It made me so happy when I found out you love Frank Sinatra. Your smile warms my heart.

Tomer: I had never laughed so hard until the spring 2016 copy editor dinner because of the jokes and stories you told. I envy your bright personality that makes people around you happy.

Billy: Glad to get to know you better this semester. Can’t wait to read more of your stories.

Schafer: I could always count on you in copy editing. Don’t lose that skill when you move up the ladder.

McCleary: With lots of love, you’re fired, because I’ll be gone. Thanks for making Sports a fun place to hang out.

Rori: From a designer to a copy editor to an assistant video editor, it’s great that you’re learning new skills. Excited to see your video stories.

Rhea: It’s been a great pleasure getting to work with you.

Mary: Have a *goog* time in New York.  

Sandhya: I’m glad you’ll be a copy editor for Pulp. Keep #teamcopy strong.

Connor & Lydia: Thanks for welcoming me in Pulp during final reads. It was wonderful getting to know you.

Designers: Your bylines do not appear in the paper, but you’re the true backbone of this newspaper.

Digital team: It makes me proud to be friends with frontrunners leading a digital transformation at a newspaper.

Kathryn & Aishwarya: My favorite Op duo.

Sabrina & Paul: Thanks for bringing a smile to my face whenever I see you.

Annie: I wish I were able to work with you. Thanks for your tips and advice about news writing and adult life.

Chloe: You’re one of the most genuine, unselfish people I know. The world needs more people like you.

Clare: I still feel guilty about spitting brandy on you and forgetting about our first encounter at a Newhouse event. Miss your laughter.

Jon: Miss our Monday morning talks in booths and the “Jon Mettus” sense of humor.

Russell: You left an indelible legacy in my life: adding the word “dank” to my vocabulary list.

Amanda: Your smile can make all the bad things evaporate instantaneously.

Ally: You’re an amazing photographer and a fantastic person with a big heart.

Colleen: Having you as my copy partner was one of the best things that happened this semester. I have absolute confidence that you’ll do a terrific job as Pulp editor, and remember that I’ve got your back no matter what.

Brigid: You’re the sweetest person and the brightest ray of sunshine I’ve gotten to meet. Spending Thanksgiving Day in Pittsburgh with your family was special. We didn’t spend a lot of time together as copy editors, but I’m glad the copy bond kept us close.

Matthew: I’ve never met anyone who appreciates The Wall Street Journal as much as you do. You constantly pump out fascinating news, sports and feature stories and never cease to amaze me. I’m honored to be your friend. Let’s continue to get Pastabilities and our work done at Kubal next semester.

Stacy: You have a glowing gem in your heart and it brightens up every place you go, even bringing light into the darkness. Thank you for getting me hooked on wings, understanding my quirks and everything and lending a helping hand to get me through difficult moments. You empower people through your articles, and you’ve touched many people’s hearts along the way. Your absence will leave a hole in my heart. Have a wonderful semester abroad, and we’ll be in touch.

Taylor: I think I first met you at an NOJ reception when I twirled to show my ballet skills, which sucked. Anyone who is able to work with you is extremely lucky, and I’ve had that honor for two semesters. You’ve saved me multiple times from the embarrassment of running corrections. You’re a consummate copy editor and journalist, and I can’t wait to read your Pulp articles in the coming weeks. Thank you for being patient with me and assuring me things will work out.

Haley: I wrestled with whether I should duck this semester, because doing so means I won’t be able to work with you one last semester. You’re a gifted writer, a skeptical copy editor who kept me on my toes and, more than anything else, one of my most precious friends. Looking back, I’m glad I told you about my feelings (even though I did so in a silly way). I was deadly scared that you wouldn’t talk to me forever afterward, but nothing has changed. I really, really appreciate you for keeping in touch with me over email and Gchat. You hold a special place in my heart.

Gilbert: You know more about me than anyone at The D.O. From my first day at SU, you’ve been one of my besties. Yes, I was jealous that you got your story published on the front page way earlier than I did, but who cares at this point because we’ve both written some compelling articles. You’ve helped me get through some very tough times and celebrated my accomplishments. Thank you.

Gedetsis: Every time I came home from production this semester, I wishfully thought that you’d still be up so I could talk to you about our days. Now officially washed up, I’m excited to spend more time with you. I’ll clean my room more often and sleep on my bed instead of the couch. Thank you for taking your time to edit my stories and cover letter. You’re my irreplaceable friend and roommate.

Mom & Dad: I love you. Thank you for bringing me into this world so I could meet these wonderful people at The D.O.

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